Every year, global CIT revenues are as much as USD 240 billion lower due to profit shifting to tax havens.
Education, the labour market and mental health are three areas where the young generation will be hit the hardest by COVID-19.
The Visegrad Group was established on 15 February 1991. In 1991–2019, its GDP rose by 155 per cent. Between 1995 and 2019, the value of exports of goods went up more than 19 times, that of imports – 16 times, whereas fixed capital formation rose 3 times faster than in the EU-15.
For the next three decades, the European Union is likely to be internally divided as never before, relying on a zombie economy and struggling with growing conflicts between generations and social classes.
Every euro spent on cohesion policy generates almost three times as much GDP, according to a report by the Polish Economic Institute entitled “Cohesion policy, or solidarity in action”.
Between 2003 and 2017, Polish GDP per capita rose by 81% and the value of exports exceeded EUR 200 billion per year, according to a report by the Polish Economic Institute entitled 15 years of Poland in the European Union.